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The role of Artificial Intelligence in the business world

January 2, 2024, Admin
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology will make it increasingly easy to access and use by businesses to streamline various activities, including consumer services.

Reporting from, artificial intelligence (AI) is computer science whose role is to solve problems that are usually related to human cognition. The knowledge that AI obtains can come from experience as AI has previously been used by humans.

AI is programmed to think and imitate humans. As times progress, of course AI will also play an increasingly important role in various sectors of life, even in the business world. This technology is a promising application in the business world. According to the Mekari company, Indonesia has the potential to adopt 62 percent of AI in the business world, in its latest research entitled "Artificial Intelligence Adoption 

Readiness of Businesses in Indonesia" which consists of three levels to measure a company's readiness to adopt AI. The first level is productivity, that is, the company has at least one digital solution to increase productivity. Level two is efficiency, where the company also integrates various digital solutions to create overall business efficiency.

And finally, automation, where companies create a technology ecosystem by combining company culture and technology infrastructure, so that the use of technology in the business world can be optimal. Artificial Intelligence has a positive impact on the industrial world. The use of AI is faster, more efficient, accurate, consistent, easier to manage, data is processed in large amounts, and can provide services that suit customer tastes.

However, Artificial Intelligence does not always have a positive impact on the world of business and industry, but there will always be an impact on the negative side. A simple example is that some human roles have been replaced by AI, resulting in a reduction in employees who supervise transaction activities, production of goods, analysis.